
Showing posts from September, 2018

Our First Week in Community/School Skills and Math

Hi, families of sixth graders, I hope your children are enjoying our time together in 6th grade community and math! So far, we have had two days together since staring on Wednesday because all classes traveled to a fountain on Thursday, and had class again on Friday. This coming week we will be together all days but Thursday. Don't forget, we have NO school this Monday. I showed your children a growth mindset math video this week, which I'm linking here . Be sure to watch this video  at least once, even if they say, "I already watched this" and bookmark it for those times when you feel your child may need a reminder of their capabilities. We spent much of our first community and math blocks getting to know each other by having a greeting, a game and some time to talk about how middle school has been going. I asked, "What has been hard about middle school so far?" I had intended to talk about what has been good, too, but they had so much to say about wha